Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy 004 11092022

This Privacy Policy applies to your use of this site and the
associated websites. Associated websites may include Viral
Lids LLC. (“Viral Lids”)., and others. To the extent that an
associated website does not have a Privacy Policy, this
Privacy Policy applies. To the extent that an associated
website has a Privacy Policy that conflicts with the terms of
this Policy, this Policy takes precedence.


Personal Information means information that may be used to
identify a specific individual, or that is about an identifiable
individual, including but not limited to name, email address,
mailing address, mobile phone number, bank account
numbers and balances, and social security number.

Aggregate Information refers to combined demographic
information which has been derived from Personal
Information, but which cannot be reasonably used to
identify any individual.

Transaction Information includes certain information about a
transaction conducted on through our Site, including all
purchases, shipping information, billing and payment
information, and other information you may provide in
connection with a transaction as required by parties to the
transaction or by law. Mobile Phone Subscriber Information
may include, without limitation, a user’s name, date of birth,
postal address, billing zip code, telephone numbers,
electronic mail addresses, credit card numbers, Customer
Proprietary Network Information (CPNI), location
information, handset and mobile device identifiers
(International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI)), and other
status details, if available, such as account information and
credit information.

Affiliates are companies related by common ownership or
control, which may include financial or non-financial
companies. Non-Affiliates are companies not related by
common ownership or control.

Joint Marketing Partners refers to Non-Affiliate companies
that have a formal agreement with us to jointly market
financial or other products or services to you. We do not
have any Joint Marketing Partners.


You can visit our Web Site and learn about the services we
provide without providing Personal Information. You do
need to provide Personal Information, however, to use our
services. Certain items of non-personally identifiable
information, such as IP address, are collected automatically
from every Site visitor, even if not voluntarily provided, as
discussed further below.

We collect and use Personal Information in the specific ways listed below, and generally to improve our Site and services
to you, as well as to meet our legal obligations. We also use
Personal Information you provide for other purposes
consistent with the reason you provide such information to
us. For example, we may collect certain Personal Information
that you provide through correspondence, customer service
requests, or dispute resolution activities.

1. Registration and Site Activity Information.

The Site does now or may in the future, the account
registration process may require users to provide us valid
and accurate contact information including full name, email
address, a user name of your choosing, and a password
(collectively, “Registration Information”).

In the event we require registration, we will verify your
eligibility for an account in your individual capacity. We will
verify your account registration information through a third-
party identity verification service provider. This is done if
you are an individual user or represent a business user to
verify your identity and prevent fraud. Our third party
identity verification provider may use your Mobile Phone
Subscriber Data, as defined above, from your mobile carrier
(AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Verizon, or any other
branded wireless carrier) to verify your identity and provide
Viral Lids your mailing address, your Social Security Number
(SSN) and a “Trust Score”. Viral Lids will not store your full
SSN, only the last 4 digits. The “Trust Score” is a measure of
the degree of confidence that you are a real person
associated with the address you provided, and it does not
relate to your credit or payment history.

Pre-Fill Form Option: Should we require registration and
identity verification using your Mobile Phone Subscriber
Data, it will likely include a Pre-Fill Form Option for us to use
to expedite verifying your identity by using information
verified by our third party identify verification provider. The
Pre-Fill Form Option will require you to answer a question
by submitting your mobile phone billing zip code. It also will
require you to provide us your express opt-in consent by
clicking on the “OK” button on the consent page.

Should registration be required and identify verification be
necessary, you will be required to authorize your wireless
operator to disclose your mobile number, name, address,
email, network status, customer type, customer role, billing
type, mobile device identifiers (IMSI and IMEI) and other
subscriber details, if available, to Viral Lids and service
providers for the duration of the business relationship, solely
for identity verification and fraud avoidance. If your
registration is required and you prefer that Viral Lids not use
a third-party provider to verify your identity, you will be
likely be afforded another method of verification of your
name and address, such as the opportunity to upload a scan
of two approved documents, such as your driver’s license or
a utility bill.

Registration Information, Transaction Information and other
Personal Information that you provide may be used to:

• provide the services and customer support you request;

• process transactions on the Site;

• compare information for accuracy and share it with third
parties to prevent fraud, prohibited or illegal activities;

• send you transaction-related notifications about
transactions you carry out on the Site;

• If and when you purchase on an item, to provide your
name, address, telephone number, email address to the seller
to facilitate the transaction;

• Enforce our Term and Conditions of Use and perform our
billing, administration and collections functions (and to
contact you when necessary about these functions);

• report information about your account, including late
payments, missed payments or other delinquencies or
defaults on your accounts, to credit reporting bureaus;

• better understand your interests and for other marketing-
related initiatives including customizing, personalizing,

measuring, and improving our services and the content and
layout of our Site and/or Mobile Applications;

• communicate with you and carry out actions requested by
you (such as subscriptions to newsletters), including
promotional messages and service and product updates
(some of which may be related to your transactions on the

• resolve disputes, collect fees and trouble-shoot problems;

• when facilitating the investigation of fraud or illegal
activity, to share information with law enforcement or other
governmental agencies or authorized third parties when
requested pursuant to a criminal investigation or alleged
illegal activity or any other activity that may expose you, us
or another Site user to legal liability;

• perform other duties as required by applicable law.


In addition, we reserve the right to disclose information as
necessary in response to a compulsory request by a law
enforcement agency, pursuant to law or regulation, to avoid
liability, or to protect our rights or property.

Should registration be required, you will be able to review
your Personal Information by logging into our Site, and in
that event, you should act to update it promptly when it
changes or to correct any errors in it. However, you will not
be able to change your mailing address. At your request, we
will close your account as soon as reasonably possible, in
accordance with applicable law.

When you provide us information in connection with the
Services, you agree to provide true, accurate, and complete
information. You agree not to use a false or misleading name
or a name that you are not authorized to use. If we, in our
sole discretion, believe that any information you provide is
untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, false or misleading or
unauthorized, we may at our sole discretion refuse you
access to the Service and pursue any appropriate legal

Please see “Communications From the Site and Your
Choices” below for information on controlling
communications from us.

2. Personal Financial Information.

If you were to use any services made available on the site,
you would be required to provide us financial information
about the U.S.-based bank account you want to use for your
Viral Lids transactions including your bank account number,
type of bank account, bank routing number, and billing
address (“Personal Financial Information”). In this event, only
the last 4 digits of your bank account number are visible to
Viral Lids employees in the course of performing support and
rendering the Viral Lids services.

When Personal Financial Information is obtained, this
Personal Financial Information is used to facilitate
transactions you carry out on the Site and to collect on fees
and debts incurred through your use of the Site. If your
account is past due and collection must be pursued, your
contact and financial information may be shared with
collection agents and/or credit reporting agencies. We
would share Personal Financial Information with non-
affiliated third parties to facilitate the completion of
transactions on the Site as specified above, to respond to
subpoenas, for other legal compliance purposes, and for
billing and collections.

3. Information Requests.
We may ask you to provide Personal Information in order to
allow us to respond to your requests for information or
other requests made over the Site.

4. Communications from Viral Lids.

Most messages, notifications and communications generated
by the Site result directly from the user’s actions (such as
purchases of goods offered on the site, account Registration
Information, confirmation of a transaction, or the user’s choice
to subscribe to certain communications), or as necessary to
inform you of changes to the Site or events related to the Site,
or changes to the Site rules or policies.

Other messages from Viral Lids may result from marketing
initiatives on the Site; however, users may opt-out of
receiving marketing messages; see the section below
entitled “Communications from the Site and Your Choices.”

Communications from our Site may contain web beacons or
“clear.gif” images. These are small, usually transparent
graphic images that can be used for recording when a
message has been opened in order to track the performance
of marketing campaigns. We and our third- party service
providers currently log responses using web beacons, but
this information is not stored or linked to your Personal
Information in our systems.

5. Non-personal information. We automatically collect your
IP address when you visit our Site or use our service. We use
your IP address to verify your identity, prevent fraud and
restrict your use of our service in some geographic areas
such as outside the United States. We also use your IP
address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to
administer our Site. Your IP address is used to gather broad
demographic information, and to track usage patterns in the
Site. We also may collect geo-location information, device
identification number, statistics about page views and
standard web log information. We do not correlate this
information with data about individual users (though our
third-party website analytics service providers may – see
below under “Website Analytics” for your choices in this

6. Cookies. We or our third-party service providers may use
a technology referred to as “cookies” (or other similar
technology), which are pieces of data on your computer tied
to information about you. Based on your browser type and
other information provided by our cookies, we use cookies
to: (i) customize certain Site content and access; (ii) track
usage patterns on the Site; (iii) allow the Site to remember
your user name and password if you so choose; and (iv) for
any other purposes permitted under applicable law from time
to time.

You can decide if and how your device will accept cookies
by configuring your preferences option within your web
browser. To disable this function in your web browser,
choose the “help” menu and follow the instructions for
deleting cookies and preventing your browser from
downloading additional cookies. If you choose to reject
cookies, you can still browse our Site, but you may be unable
to use the Site as a buyer, or otherwise to access certain
aspects of the services available on the Site. We do not store
personal or confidential information in cookies (although our
third- party Website Analytics provider may do so. )

7. General Uses. specifically described on the Site at the
time of collection. We may also use your Personal
Information internally to customize your experience with our
company and our Site (for example, adapting the Site to your
browser), to help us develop new products and services, to
verify your identity, to collect debts or fees owed to us, or to
investigate or settle inquiries or disputes, and for other
legally required or permissible purposes.

8. Website Analytics. We use Google Analytics to help us
measure visitors and trends for our websites.

For more
information about how Google collects, uses and shares your
information, please visit the Google Privacy Policy-Partners
website at To
prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics, click
here for instructions.

9. Mobile Devices.

Currently, we do not operate through mobile aps. In the
future, were we to do so, in addition to the information
described above, we and our third-party service providers
might collect additional information when you utilize any of
our mobile applications, including the temporary or
persistent unique device identifiers (sometimes called UDID),
the IP address of your mobile device and information about
the way you use our mobile applications.


Other than as described above, with your express consent or
as specifically described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, we
will not share your Personal Information collected on the
Site with third parties without your permission, except as
necessary or appropriate to (i) carry out the transaction,
activity or request made by you on the Site or otherwise, (ii)
comply with any applicable law, court order or other judicial
process, or (iii) enforce or apply agreements with you, or
protect the rights, property or safety of us, our affiliates or
third parties, or as otherwise required or permitted by law.

In the event we were in the future to collect Personal
Financial information from you, we would not share your
Personal Financial Information with any other third parties
including sellers, buyers, other recipients of funds, or third-
party websites or mobile apps hosting purchase/sale
transactions or other transfers. In that event in the future—
and in the event that you purchase goods on the site now—
the only information that would be shared in a transaction
using our services would be that a transaction occurred in a
specified amount of US Dollars (“Purchase Data”). That
Purchase Data is shared with the involved parties to the
transaction and the hosting website or mobile application as
part of the Site’s operation, but please note that users of the
Site are able to fill in information that they choose in a blank
“description” field provided on the Site, so other users may
input other data into this custom field. If you contact Viral Lids
customer support regarding a transaction, the helpdesk will
have access to all your account and transaction information
and possibly your location if you disclose that to them.

In the event of a corporate transaction such as a sale, merger
or reorganization or in the unlikely event of a bankruptcy or
similar restructuring involving all or a portion of Viral Lids,
LLC or its parent and/or Affiliate(s) (including but not limited
to a spinoff of an Affiliate, and subsequent acquisition of
that Affiliate by a new third party), or a sale or transfer of
assets, we reserve the right to disclose or transfer your
Personal Information to non-affiliated third-party acquiring
company(ies) and other third parties. In the event of such a
sale or transfer, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the
transferee(s) to use Personal Information you have provided
through this Site in a manner that is consistent with this
Privacy Policy. We may collect and share aggregate
information (such as sales, traffic patterns or related
information) with third parties.

We hire contractors to provide certain services on our
behalf, including fulfilment services, payment processing,
trend and statistical analysis, marketing campaigns,
information processing and storage, and development of
new products and services. As part of their services to us,
these contractors may have access to some or all of the data
that we maintain, including transaction data and your
Personal Information, but they are always required to
maintain the confidentiality of information they receive from
us and are restricted from using the information for any
purposes other than those authorized by us.

We do not share your Personal Information with any third
parties for those third parties’ marketing purposes, unless
you have opted into such sharing.

Except as otherwise provided, this Privacy Policy only
addresses the information that we collect from you, but does
not address the use or disclosure of your Personal
Information to third parties to whom you disclose your
information. If you disclose your Personal Information to
third parties, other rules may apply to how they use and
disclose information provided to them. We do not police or
influence the privacy practices of third parties. When
providing your Personal Information to third parties, their
privacy policies govern their use and disclosure of your
Personal Information.

Before disclosing your Personal Information to a third party,
you should familiarize yourself with their privacy policy.
When Users interact or conduct transactions with each
other, they may have access to each other’s name, user ID
information, email address and other contact information. By
using our Site, you agree to use other Users’ information
only for Viral Lids transaction-related purposes or other
purposes for which a User explicitly chooses.


1. Email and Text Messages from Us.
The Site and Viral Lids and its Affiliates send two types of
communications: (1) email and/or text message notifications
related to transactions on the Site, and (2) promotional email
and/or text messages, which may include newsletters or
other subscription-based communications, follow-on
messages with respect to your activity on the Site, or other
marketing from us about our products and services. Please
see the descriptions below with respect to your choices for

(1) Transactions on the Site. Email and/or text messages
related to activity on the Site are generated as a result of
conducting a transaction on or through the site, registering
as a user of the Site in the event registration is required, and
for conducting transactions. These notifications can include
transaction notifications, billing messages, and other
notifications related to activity on the Site. You cannot opt
out of receiving email notifications related to transaction
activity on the Site. You also cannot opt out of receiving
messages by email and/or text as part of our two-factor
authentication process. When and if registration is required,
it is likely that every time you log-in using a mobile phone,
you will be required to complete our two-factor
authentication process, which includes email and text
messages. You will not receive any other types of text
message notifications from us.
We may also send you certain notices, such as notices of a
substantial change in the policies and/or operation of the
Site. These notices are sent infrequently and cannot be
opted out of other than by closing your account with us.

(2) Promotional Email: Viral Lids may send a variety of
promotional email messages, but you are free to opt out of
these at any time. Some promotional email messages relate
to newsletters or other subscription-based items.
You may also control receiving promotional emails at any
time by logging into My Viral Lids Account and visiting the
Preferences page to update your choices. You may also click
here and follow the instructions on the subsequent pages to
opt out of promotional email or text messages, or follow the
instructions provided in the promotional message.

(3) Promotional Text Messages: Viral Lids may send you
promotional or informational messages by text. To use this
service you must provide your cell phone number. We will
not share or use your mobile number for any other purpose.
If you would also like to receive these notifications from us
by text message, you may opt-in to receiving text messages
by logging into My Viral Lids Account and visiting the
Preferences page to update your choices to opt-in to
receiving promotional text messages from us.

2. Cookies and Third-Party Tracking. As noted above under
“Website Analytics” we contract with a third-party service
provider who provides us information on the use of the Sites
by visitors. As described in that section, you may visit certain
designated Web sites in order to opt out of tracking of your
activities on the Sites and other Web sites. Notwithstanding
any other provision, we may engage a data provider who
may collect web log data from you (including IP address and
information about your browser or operating system), or
place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser to enable
you to receive customized ads or content through web, mobile
or other media channels.

These cookies contain no personally identifiable information.
The cookies may reflect de-identified demographic or other
data linked to data you voluntarily have submitted to us, e.g.,
your email address, that we may share with a data provider
solely in hashed, non-human readable form. To opt-out of
these data provider cookies, please

visit or http://www.networkadvertising/choices.

We may work with online advertising vendors to provide
you with relevant and useful advertisements, including ad
content displayed in our email messages to you. These
advertisements may be based on information collected by us
or by third parties, including information about your
activities on our Site or on third-party websites. You may opt
out of personalization of these messages by visiting the opt-
out sites referenced in the paragraph above.


The Site is not intended for or directed to persons less than
18 years of age. The Viral Lids Mobile Applications, if any are
developed in the future, will not intended for or directed to
persons less than 18 years of age. We do not now and will
not knowingly in the future solicit or collect personal
information from or about persons under 18, and we do not
knowingly market or sell products or services to persons
under 18. If you are under 18 years of age, do not use the
Site or the Viral Lids Mobile Applications.

Similarly, of course, the Site is not intended for or directed to
persons less than 13 years of age. In accordance with the
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), we do not
knowingly solicit or collect personal information from or
about children under the age of 13 without first providing
direct notice to a parent or guardian and obtaining verifiable
consent of such parent or guardian.